Hmm. Only one more month and I will have officially finished my first year of medical school. This still feels unreal to me, and I still wonder how I got here some times. Hopefully, I pass without incidence.
So what's happened these months? Not that anyone cares, but that volcano cost me a week of classes!! And many many many hours of my life on the phone, trying to rearrange flights back to school. But as stressful as that process was, I think I was pretty lucky. I mean, I didn't have to pay extra for a new ticket, or for hotel. I got to stay home for an extra week... but it was still STRESSFUL!.. yeah...
As interesting and exciting medical school may appear to others... it's not too different from regular university courses. At least to me. We go to lectures, we go to dissections, clinical skills, labs. It's all very routine. But we also do some tedious paper work, that is supposed to show our progress in Med school. At the end of every year, we are supposed to hand in a summary/ report of what we have learned/gained/experienced in the past year. We're supposed to do this throughout the year. But who actually does that? I'm filling mine out now, one day before my appraisal, and making up experiences and feelings as I go.
Yup. That's how we roll here.
As a side note, I've finally almost finished my first digital picture. And I did it without references! Woot. It's the alice pic up top I guess... and it's a present for a friend. :P Still need some editing though....
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