So. Exams are around the corner, and I'm already stressed about failing. Not about the exams... I think at the rate I'm studying, I'll be fine, but about the very big possibility that I've actually failed already, and they've yet to tell me. I hate how one assignment can decide whether I fail or not. Like how is that fair?? UGH!!

And this totally affects how I book my plane tickets home. I want to go home!! But if by any chance I fail, I'll have to stay behind to talk with tutors, and take extra classes during what they're calling "resit week". So if I book to leave right after the pass lists come out, I'd have to change my flights and pay lots and lots and lots of money to change it. >.> AND! If I fail exams, I'd have to come back in August!!! zomg.. This is so depressing.
I don't think I was as worried before about this assignment as I am now. Hopefully I followed the guidelines correctly... But I recently found out that 3 of my friends failed the last assignment >.> and they're better writers than me, and at the least, actually does things before the last minute... unlike me T_T.... arg... so I'll have to chat with the rents about this posiblity. :S I don't Want to!!! WAHHH!!
On a slightly positive note... and I am unfailingly positive 99% of the time (outside of the occasional rants), I have been studying, AND it's still 3 weeks to final time. Like this is a first!

(lol... why does it need such long codes to insert one small emoti??) Usually I'm cramming 2 days before an exam.... but I have to this time! There's too much. I think I'm nearing the limits of my brain for memorizing blood vessels, hormones, receptors, muscles, biochemistry, clotting factors, etc, etc, etc. I need another brain!!! lmao. at least I think I enjoy this more than writing essays. Give me 10 exams, and I'd take them over 1 essay.... I think.

Well back to studying (revising as they say) for me!