Mmm often I wish I had a way with words. You know the people who can talk circles around others and still be personable. Or those people who can write lyrical poems, sentences, stories that touch hearts. Instead, I am to the point, and can only write essays. Oh and I can't spell to save my life. Thank god for spell check.
I also feel as if I have a very limited attention span. Compare the length of time I sit down and study and the times of my flatmates and there is an obvious deficit on my part. Does that even make sense? Obviously, exam periods non withstanding. Those seems like the only times where I can sit for 12+hours for days on end, cramming information into my brain like a pit-less hole. This is good that I generally pass my exams, but terrible in that I don't remember any of it 2-3 days afterward. One wonders how I got here in the first place...